SG Mini Module #1

 SG Mini Module #1





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 SG Mini Module #1


The universe holds a great secret: the PHI Proportion.
PHI is traditionally called the "Golden" Proportion because it is a special key
unifying the understanding of life, consciousness and the cosmos.
Johannes Kepler called it a "precious jewel".
Leonardo da Vinci masterfully illustrated a book calling it "Divine".
And nowadays, it is symbolized by the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet "Phi" (Φ).

This unique principle of cosmic design is present on all scales of nature,
in the human body & consciousness, and in many aspects of human cultures.
Traditionally transmitted through the study of number,
musical harmony, geometry and cosmology, and called "Sacred Geometry",
the wisdom of the PHI Proportion stretches back
to the Egyptian, Babylonian, Vedic & Chinese civilizations.
It has been periodically revealed anew
throughout more recent periods of human history:
Classical Greece, the Alexandrian times, the Islamic Golden Age and the Italian Renaissance,
each time providing the foundation for a remarkable flowering
of the sciences, the arts and the human spirit.

Today, because we are living at the extraordinary times
of a global shift of human evolution
to a higher, more expanded order of consciousness,
the knowledge of the PHI Proportion is re-emerging very rapidly.
It is a timely and welcome knowledge as it supports the new global culture
based on the respect of life, nature and all beings.
It anchors the new paradigm of a universe seen as coherently whole,
exquisitely attuned, holographically inter-connected
through the Zero-Point Field and fractally self-organized.
It is helping us to give meaning and scope to our lives
by seeing again the Oneness and Beauty of the cosmos.

A universal constant creating harmony, dynamic growth, balance
and the most efficient relationship between small, large and whole systems,
PHI has been progressively uncovered by cutting edge science in the last 30 years:
in the quantum realm, the DNA, biology, Fibonacci mathematics, atomic physics,
nanotechnology (the C60 "Buckyball" molecule), crystallography (quasi-crystals),
phyllotaxis (the geometry of growth in plants), symmetric tiling (Penrose Tiles)...
and of course the fractal geometry of nature.

"Golden Fractality" is the contemporary label of the PHI Proportion.
Moreover, the rules of harmony generated by the PHI Proportion
have been used by artists and architects the world over
and have been acknowledged as fundamental truths
in the teachings of spiritual & mystical traditions.

The knowledge and application of PHI,
as the most efficient template of harmonic relationship in the universe,
forms the foundation of the emerging New Paradigm of Cosmic Science.
Ancient sacred cultures described the universe as a giant orchestra
and humanity as an awakening player learning to tune in.
The keynote is FRACTALITY and the melody is HARMONY.

As a quick preview of the upcoming Sacred Geometry Mini Modules,
here are some images showing a few of the many faces of PHI.

The daisies and sunflowers have two types of spirals: clockwise & counter-clockwise.
The number of spirals are Fibonacci Numbers (1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55...)
and therefore related to the Golden Proportion PHI (Φ). Example: 55/ 34 = 1.61= ~ Φ.


 Most plants grow in spirals with a characteristic "Growth Angle"
of 137.5 degrees, directly related to PHI.

Organic structures like shells can also display amazing fractal, harmonic geometries,
some of them showing the Phi proportion or the Golden Spiral.

The DNA has a Golden Ratio structure:
34 angstroms in one turn of the spiral and 21 angstroms in width.
New research by J. C. Perez has shown that the inner sequences of nucleotides
are all related by Fibonacci resonance, just like musical chords.

The human body is a temple of harmonics. The (average) navel, in an adult body,
is located at the Golden Section of the entire height.


The human face is replete with golden harmonic proportions: we call it BEAUTY.

Examples of Sacred Architecture with Golden harmonics are numerous around the world.
On the left, the Pagoda at Yakushiji, Japan.
On the right, the North Rose Window of Paris cathedral, France.

End of Sacred Geometry Mini Module #1

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Harmony Blessings!